InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbyJulie LynnWhen the Person You Need to Forgive Is YouWho do you see when you look in the mirror?Mar 23, 20228Mar 23, 20228
InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbyJulie LynnIt’s Okay to Let Go of the Person Who You No Longer Want to BeIt’s time to unlock the prison doors and be yourselfMar 4, 20224Mar 4, 20224
InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbyJulie LynnStop Holding Onto What Isn’t Meant for YouThe things meant for you will bring you peace, not anxietyJan 31, 202213Jan 31, 202213
InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbyJulie LynnWhat Are You Carrying That Isn’t Yours?You’re allowed to put it downJan 27, 20225Jan 27, 20225
InILLUMINATIONbyJulie LynnWhen Life Feels Hard, Remember the Simple LessonsOne step. One breath. One moment at a time.Dec 16, 20214Dec 16, 20214
InWriters’ BlokkebyJulie LynnThe Belief “I’m Not Enough” Is the Whip You Beat Yourself WithYou will keep whipping yourself until you healNov 16, 20216Nov 16, 20216
InWholistiquebyJulie LynnHow Pandemic Flux is Impacting Your Mental HealthThe emotional struggle of rebuilding on a landscape of uncertaintyNov 1, 2021Nov 1, 2021
Julie LynnI Don’t Care About Dumb ShitAnd sometimes I feel like I live in a different dimensionOct 21, 20211Oct 21, 20211
InBe Open - Writers & Readers PubbyJulie LynnBe Like Adele: Give Up“There ain’t no gold in this river that I’ve been washing my hands in forever”Oct 18, 20216Oct 18, 20216
InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbyJulie LynnWhen You Die, Do You Want to Meet the Person You Could Have Become?What if you could be that person now?Oct 5, 20214Oct 5, 20214
InBe Open - Writers & Readers PubbyJulie LynnThe Consequences of the Risks We Don’t TakeAnd the questions we need to ask ourselves.Jul 30, 20212Jul 30, 20212
Julie LynnOne Quality That Distinguishes People Who Grow from People Who Don’tIt’s time to get uncomfortable.May 1, 2021May 1, 2021
InHello, LovebyJulie LynnFind Someone Who Lights Up the MundaneIt’s the ordinary moments that make or break relationships.Sep 30, 20211Sep 30, 20211
Julie LynnForgiveness Without ReconciliationBecause forgiveness really is for you. But reconciliation may not be.Sep 7, 2019Sep 7, 2019
Julie LynnTwo Social Media Lies that are Perpetuating Your UnhappinessHow shifting your mindset and busting through these lies can increase your well-being — without quitting social media.Sep 4, 2019Sep 4, 2019
Julie LynnIt’s Not as Hard to Meditate as You ThinkHere are five tips to get you started and keep you going.May 9, 2019May 9, 2019
Julie LynnCould your life be better?Use your pain to stop self-sabotaging and live your best lifeMay 8, 2019May 8, 2019